Rajesh Sharma SC Judgment - 2017 vs 2018
SUPREME COURT reviews Rajesh Sharma vs State of UP what it means for Indian men, victims of #False498A In 2017, Hon'ble Supreme Court (2 Judges bench) had given pathbreaking Guidelines to bring some sense into the IPC 498A complaints before they become FIR and a Criminal Case. In 2018, Hon'ble Supreme Court (3 Judges bench under CJI) reviewed it and changed the earlier order. This blog helps you understand OLD vs NEW Judgments. Hope below image helps you: Rajesh Sharma Judgment OLD vs NEW In Table format too for easy Copy-Paste: S. No. Clause No. Rajesh Sharma vs State of UP 27th July 2017 SAFMA vs Union of India 14th Sept 2018 What it Means? 1 19(i)(a) In every district one or more Family Welfare Committees be constituted by the District Legal Services Authorities preferably comprising of three members. The constitution and working of such committees may be reviewed from time to t...